Friday, February 1, 2008

Me, FHH, and politics...

I have tried to keep a journal since I was 10 years old and always failed.  Even now I have a journal on the floor of my car that I've had for over two years now and it only has about 10 entries.  I love the idea of keeping a record of life events and random thoughts but actually putting pen to paper has always been a burden.  I can't believe I let the world of blogging escape me for so long!  So, I have decided that this will not really be a strictly MBA blog and I am going to take this opportunity to chronicle my life as well.  Hmmm, maybe I should change my tag?  Of course, since my Future Hot Husband (FHH) and his MBA path are still very much a big part of my life, I'm sure the whole MBA thing will come up very regularly.

On to my life.  I have a job which allows me to spend a lot of time working from home.  Me working from home = sleeping in late, playing with the cat, watching bad tv, talking on the phone, and making very long lunch dates and then trying to catch up on actual work late at night.  Today I actually had to go into work for a meeting and I actually got a LOT accomplished.  Quite proud of myself!  Of course as soon as I came home, I logged on to check the app status for all four schools :)  Still obsessed.  I've also discovered the MBA forums and that only added to my craziness.  Thankfully, the FHH dragged me out for a workout at the gym.  Very nice change.  We came home, cooked dinner, and watched the Dem. Debate.  I have an eye for certain details and body language is very important to me.  That being said, I found Clinton to be incredibly irritating!

I usually don't like to watch or even hear candidates debate as it seems that issues always get lost and I'm never able to get an idea of what their actual plans are.  It's easier for me to just do a little research on my own to read up on where they stand on the issues that are most important to me which include healthcare, education, abortion/reproductive rights, and of course what they plan to do about Iraq.  Until today the Dems were on an even playing field for me in that I didn't care much for either of them, but they both seemed to be enough of a "better evil" than what we have had thus far.  Then Clinton and that horrible frozen smug look on her face whenever anyone but herself was speaking.  Ick.  It just bugs me.  I ended up not listening at all but working on school stuff instead and getting filled in on the main points during commercial breaks from FHH.  Still, every time I looked, there she was with the smug look.  I know it's silly but I really think overall appearance is very important for leaders and for me that includes facial expressions and not merely how attractive a person is.  

Having said that, I think it's time that the FHH and I start looking for new business attire and practicing our interviewee skills as we prepare to make changes in our lives seeking new jobs, new residences, and hopefully a new MBA.  I don't think I've ever had a formal interview in my life and the last thing I want to do is be rejected from gainful employment just because I had some weird smirk on my face.  I also think that this is important for all you lucky MBA applicants who recently received invitations for an interview.  Don't just practice your answers; pick out clothes that make you feel confident, practice a comfortable tone of voice and try it out in the mirror or better yet on video.  You might just discover a few things about yourself that need to be tweaked.  

I remember sometime early in FHH's career when he was practicing giving his first real presentation and realized that he said "umm" too much.  "Good morning.  I'm ummm hot as umm all hell and (long pause) umm I'm here to uhhh demonstrate my mmm dangerous hotness by ummm..."  At that point who really cares what he is going to do to demonstrate his hotness? Any sane person would be singing the latest song for the new thin Mac in their head by now (I love that song!)  

So yeah, rambling (another thing I have to work on to get a real job), but for the moment I guess it is the Obama camp for me.  For shits and giggles, I decided to check out the Republican side and...yep...nevermind!  Will there ever be a candidate that truly makes sense for the diverse population that makes up America?  Does it really even make sense to have a "President"?  Do we not try to come up with a new system simply because everyone is so comfortable with the systems that already exist for them?  Much to think about tonight while I troll the forums and prepare for another "work" from home day...

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